Because of the relative indifference with which my sculpture has been met during my lifetime (a byproduct of which is a studio overcrowded with sculpture) I have decided to concentrate my efforts on the posthumous via The Reincarnation Project (@the_reincarnation_project), and Bronze Sculpture For A Future Audience (@sculptureforafutureaudience).
The Reincarnation Project is a five step project that began with the development of a contract that creates a bailor/bailee relationship between myself, and individuals interested in acting as a custodian to one or more of my sculptures. Step two, is the distribution of my sculpture as widely, and to as many individuals as possible, willing to act as a sculptural custodian. Sculptures are distributed via my studio, and at Reincarnation Project exhibitions, for free to anyone willing to sign a contract. Step three, is my reincarnation as an art historian. Step four is my discovery (although I suppose technically it would be rediscovery) of myself. Through the contracts I will be able to research and track down the distributed sculptures and assemble them for exhibition, etc. The final step is to have my work participate in the conversation that is the history of sculpture. As is stipulated in the contract, if after one hundred and fifty years from the project's start date I have not returned to reclaim my sculpture, ownership will transfer to whomever is in possession of the sculpture at the time, and the project ceases.
Bronze Sculpture For A Future Audience also includes a contract. After purchasing the sculpture for $250, the owner promises to cast the sculpture in bronze. This can be done at any time, but must be done within one year of my death. Other stipulations include: that a least one, but not more than five casts are made; that the cast be patinated or painted white; and, that after successful casting, the mold must be destroyed.
The Reincarnation Project is a five step project that began with the development of a contract that creates a bailor/bailee relationship between myself, and individuals interested in acting as a custodian to one or more of my sculptures. Step two, is the distribution of my sculpture as widely, and to as many individuals as possible, willing to act as a sculptural custodian. Sculptures are distributed via my studio, and at Reincarnation Project exhibitions, for free to anyone willing to sign a contract. Step three, is my reincarnation as an art historian. Step four is my discovery (although I suppose technically it would be rediscovery) of myself. Through the contracts I will be able to research and track down the distributed sculptures and assemble them for exhibition, etc. The final step is to have my work participate in the conversation that is the history of sculpture. As is stipulated in the contract, if after one hundred and fifty years from the project's start date I have not returned to reclaim my sculpture, ownership will transfer to whomever is in possession of the sculpture at the time, and the project ceases.
Bronze Sculpture For A Future Audience also includes a contract. After purchasing the sculpture for $250, the owner promises to cast the sculpture in bronze. This can be done at any time, but must be done within one year of my death. Other stipulations include: that a least one, but not more than five casts are made; that the cast be patinated or painted white; and, that after successful casting, the mold must be destroyed.